Pros and Fadhilah Month of Safar

Deeds sunnah in the month of Safar is the same as the practices of circumcision in other months.
Nothing special deeds are typical for the month of Safar who abide the companions of the Prophet or mahupun salafus-pious.
We are encouraged to increase the good deeds from day to day without thinking what taqwim nevertheless months.
Improve the quality of deeds fard and added the practices of circumcision in each period as suggested by Islam no matter in which the moon though.
What is important is the intention that included sincerity.
Belief and Practice-practice superstition

Although it is less and less, but still there are a few in our society who still cling to the beliefs and practices of the progenitor muddled our ancestors out of nowhere principle.

Among the beliefs and practices of the existing chaotic and nothing to do with the month of Safar it is;

Last Wednesday was the unfortunate

Lizard marker wretched

Owl marker mudharata

Raven marker death

Month is the month of Safar bala

Kononnya to circumvent these designations are worse than apply the circumcised bath Safar, fasting and making typical starting reinforcements feast in the month of Safar. Beliefs and practices of the above is superstition kerana had no basis or reference source from where it came.

As there are hadiths that say about those cases is rejected because it is the deliberate false hadiths fabricated and has been denied by an authentic hadith narrated by Bukhari priest;

That is;

There is no outbreak, no shit, no kemudharatan birds, no reinforcements month of Safar and flee ye from the leper as where you flee from a lion.

So stick to the law of the distorted belief is rejected. If he is related or violates the creed then he may bring to shirk and spoils the faith. When faith has Damaged, then it will affect the practice of the deeds will not be accepted by Allaah.

Charity with those cases also is rejected because it is the heresy dhalalah. Then charity with those cases of heresy dhalalah is unlawful. And there is much more confidence and deeds are muddled associated with the month of Safar is by regions and certain clans.

By the religious knowledge berpandukan Qur'an and Sunnah are the balance sheet to assess the same things there any follow Syarak or otherwise. In memperbetulkan treatment among the handful of people who still cling to Islamic beliefs and the practices of this muddled, the preachers and individuals who understand and want to correct it completes let themselves with religious knowledge and methodology of preaching itself to make the work of preaching it to be more memorable and smoothly .

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